Smooth Fluid 02 (SF-02)

Smooth Fluid 02 (SF-02) is one of the hydrocarbon oil fractions that is used as main component of Oil Based Mud with special characteristic as higher flash point, lower pour point and environmentally friendly. Produced from Refinery Unit Pertamina II Dumai with production capacity 482 KTA/year.

Product excellence of SF-02 is stable and non-oxidized down hole operating conditions, safe working equipment, safe for aquatic environment, non-irritating agent, biodegradable, thermal stability, prevent blow out failures, good lubricity, good for HP HT drilling, stable for long storage, competitive price, and compatible for deep water drilling.

Why SF-02 Pertamina? The product quality is high density, moderate viscosity, low aromatic, and low sulfur.

Smooth Fluid 05 (SF-05)

Smooth Fluid 05 (SF-05) is a drilling base fluid derived from oil fractions, as main component of Oil Base Mud, which has special characteristics, excellent performance and environmentally friendly as well. Produced from Refinery Unit Pertamina V Balikpapan with production capacity around 1,2 million barrel per year. SF-05 has been successfully applied in Indonesia’s drilling sites.

The special characteristics of SF-05 is high local content, non-corrosive and compatible with drilling equipment such as gaskets and seals. SF-05 also has good safety on working equipment & swamp area and has good stability on long-term inventory. Other than that, the excellent performance of SF-05 has good thermal stability, suitable for high-temperature and high-pressure drilling, has good lubricity, and minimizes the risk of blow-out failures.

SF-05 certified as biodegradable product, non-irritating agent, low aromatic and low sulfur.